Madison Duong - GITA


This is my webpage for GITA 1. I'm learning C#
this year. We are using Visual Studio to code
our projects.
GITA is Global Information Technology Academy

Goodbye Program

Date: 8/23

In this program you change the language of the label with buttons.

About Page

Date: 8/24

This program allows the user to use different buttons to be able to change pictures, text, and images.

Mailing Label

Date: 8/30

In this program, we learned to use textboxes to store user information and output them into the format of a mailing label.


Date: 9/6

This program strings messages together through concatinating. We take user data and combine it with text to make a madlib.

Body Mass Index(BMI)

Date: 9/18

This program allows the user to calculate their BMI and recomend a 7 day menu through entering their height and weight.

Car Rental

Date: 9/11

In this program, we use textboxes to get information and preform calculations based off of the collected information to create a virtual car rental.

Car Rental Upgrade

Date: 9/25

This program is an upgraded version of car rental with new features such as radio buttons and checkboxes. It lets the user choose the car and the upgrades.

Test Score Program

Date: 10/2

In this program, the user can input two numerical test scores and find the letter grade, average, and which score is higher.

Dice Probabilities

Date: 10/4

In this program, we generated random numbers to simulate rolling 2 dice. It calculates the sum of the dice, keeps track of how many times each number was rolled as well as the probability of rolling each number.


Date: 10/10

This program is similar to craps that is played in casinos. It uses message boxes to tell the player if they won or lost.

Slot Machine

Date: 10/17

This program uses radio buttons and generates random numbers to simulate a slot machine. The user can place bets and enter credits to try and win the grand prize.

Taco Shop

Date: 10/26

This program uses everything we have learned so far this year to make an online taco truck. The customer can choose what type of taco they want, calculate the price, and keep the manager stats.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Date: 11/9

In this program, we learned to recreate the game of rock paper scissors online using radio buttons and hiding the opponent's choices. it also keeps stats.


Date: 11/27

In this program, we learned to use arrays which places the character randomly on the staircase and let it go up or down one step at a time as well as open doors at the top and bottom.

2D Submarines

Date: 12/20

This program simulates an ocean with two submarines moving randomly.


Date: 1/16

This program is an 8 by 8 array. You win by getting 5 in a row.

Basic AI

Date: 1/31

In this program, we learned how to use key presses to move picture boxes using arrow keys. We also learned how to allow our character to shoot projectiles.


Date: 2/20

In this program, we used arrays to move the stars in different directions according to its location. We randomized the initial starting posistion and grew the stars with a timer.

Fishing Simulator

Date: 2/23

In this program, fish move randomly around the tank. There is a shark that eats the fish and a hook that catches the fish. You get points when you catch fish.

Number Array

Date: 3/8

In this program, we made an interger array to randomly generate numbers 1-100.

Bee Simulator

Date: 3/14

This program simulates a bee going to a flower and back to the hive by using a list.

Boba Adventure(Final Project)

Date: 3/26

My final project is a boba themed 2D platformer.

Student Work

My future educational goals are to get good grades.
A carrer path I am interested in is computer science.
Clubs: Tea Club, Chinese Club, KCC, Crochet Club,
International Foods Club, and Robotics.
Community Service: Animal shelters

A graphic that represents me:

School Adress: 789 Wildcat Way, Brea, CA 92821
Phone Number: (714) 990-7850

BOHS Website

Visual Studio Download