In alignment with the Brea Olinda Unified School District's philosophy, the Global I.T. Academy fosters an environment that both empowers and challenges students to apply their critical thinking and problem solving skills to solve real world, technology issues. The Global I.T. Academy opens its doors for industry experts to visit our program and help students make the connection between what they are learning and real world application. The Global I.T. Academy is a well-rounded three-dimensional program which holistically addresses the needs and growth of the Global I.T. Academy participant with input from higher education, business, and community.

AP Classes
The AP classes that I am currently enrolled in are, AP Precalculus, AP European History, and AP Computer Science Principles.
Future Educational Goals
My future educational goals are to go to a 4 year university.
Future Career Goals
A future career path I am interested in is computer science.
Clubs I am involved in are Chinese Club and KCC.
Community Service
For community service, I volunteer at animal shelters.
In GITA 1, we learned how to use C++. In GITA 2, We will learn how to use HTML and JavaScript.